Luigi is a 1-year old, very friendly blue boy who loves to be around people! He hasn't yet met a stranger! He is on the smaller side at 55 lb and originally bred as a hunting dog so he is not good with cats and/or small critters. He has a very strong prey drive. Luigi was surrendered to rescue by his breeder who cared for him very much, but in their area, Weims are needed to hunt so finding him a Furever Home has been difficult. Luigi has epilepsy and the excitement of the hunt will trigger those seizures. He is on medication so he can live a very happy, full life as a companion dog. It is rare for him to have a seizure outside of hunting but it is a possibility so he needs a family that will be willing to help him through them. He has not had seizures yet in his foster home even when running around and playing with 3 other Weims.
Luigi LOVES to chew and can pretty much destroy many of them so he will need supervision with them. He takes great joy searching through the toy basket to find his toy of choice! He does not bark very often, but he does vocalize by other sounds such as huffing, purring, grunting, murmuring, squeaking, and sighing. He is SO expressive and it causes all around to fall in love with him! He is super smart and has an amazing recall for a young pup! Luigi is crate-trained, house-broken, and a great fetcher! He also loves going swimming! If you are looking for a sweet, young boy to play with, walk/run, and then snuggle up with, Luigi is your guy!