Doc is a drop-dead gorgeous 5 year old long-haired silver Weim being fostered in Racine, Wisconsin. Currently in training in his foster home - he's proving to be eager to please and is well on his way to being a good boy. Doc needs an owner/family who has breed experience and will commit to exercising Doc daily and continue with his training.
In his foster home for a month - Doc has learned to:
1 - stand and wait for his paws to be wiped every time he comes into the house
2 - be comfortable in his kennel, and responds to “Kennel Up”
3 - assume his “place” in the dining room or kitchen
Things that need more work:
1- stop stealing the water bowl …which is particularly fun when it is full!
2 - not jumping up on the bed in the middle of the night
Weim Traits
1. Counter Surfer: He makes a b-line to the kitchen to check the counters regularly.He steals plastic bags off the counters and either shakes them or retreats to the kennel to shred them 2 - Dish Washer: He thinks he gets to lick the dishes in the dishwasher, and any bowl you might have in your hand …(not in this house!) 3 - Leash Puller: training continues. He's getting better about jumping up when excited before a walk. He has stopped
going after the leash for a pull toy.
Doc is a good dog. He will require constant re-enforcement of his commands and
the “rules. He has gained trust in his foster parents and looks for positive attention and praise.
Doc responds very well when spoken to in a soft, gentle voice. Loud voices and noises frighten him.
Doc is a wonderful, strong, and loving big Weimie that will thrive with and active live & daily exercise with his Weimaraner experienced partner/owner. He will work with and protect his “partner” once they have developed that
trust and bond. Doc is ready for his forever family! Apply today to take this lovely boy home!