Along with daily care costs, the adoption fees help GLWR cover vaccination and medical costs.
When adopted, GLWR dogs are up to date on vaccines, spayed or neutered and microchipped.
Fees for Dogs with special needs will be determined based upon circumstances and may result in a fee reduction.
Along with daily care costs, the adoption fees help GLWR cover vaccination and medical costs. When adopted, GLWR dogs will be up to date on vaccines and be:
Fees may be paid with cash (for our Canadian friends – we can accept US currency only) or personal check and are payable in full at the time of the adoption. Unfortunately, we cannot accept credit cards at foster home locations. If visiting the dogs at the main rescue site we can process credit cards but there is an additional 5% fee. As GLWR is a federally registered 501(3)(c) charity adoption fees in the US are typically tax deductible, however, we suggest that you consult your tax preparer for confirmation.